Grant Siedle has a proud history of delivering events that give swimmers unforgettable experiences.
His events include:
The Rip Swim - Australia’s most thrilling swim
Winter Solstice Swim - Australia’s first night time swim that celebrates the winter solstice Pagan festival
Giants of the Bay - Australia’s longest swim (42km relay over 2 days and then 25km solo event in the 2nd year)
Walk the Plank - a niche event that saw swimmers take the Searoad ferry to Portsea, jump off and swim back to Sorrento!
Mystery Swims - a fun, niche half day experience where you are picked up by bus, taken to a secret location, escorted on a swim and then wined and dined!
Director of the 2023 Victorian Open Water Championships at Eastern Beach in Geelong
As a founder/director:
Grant co-founded The Rip Swim, with Donald Riddington. Over 10 years of operation, he has assembled a team of regular boat drivers, paddlers and land crew to keep swimmers safe. His team creates a unique atmosphere that encourages and welcomes each and every participant and makes them feel safe and valued. As a result of this, lifelong friendships have been formed and there is a strong loyalty to his brand that is rare.
As a coach:
Grant has worked with people for many long distance open-water swims, including the English Channel, where he coached Donald Riddington to become the oldest Australian swimmer at the time, ever to swim this incredible stretch of water. Read more about this here. Grant has also coached pool swimmers from beginner to National level and run school learn-to swim programs at several locations in Melbourne.
As a swimmer:
He has completed over 100 open-water swims ranging from 2 - 25km’s. He was swum The Rip in both Summer and Winter, and has completed a Double crossing, so can appreciate exactly what the swimmers are going through.
Grant sees possibilities and not limitations. He is excited about creating events that give people a lifelong memory. At present, the focus is on the return of The Rip Race. This event has the potential to bring the best swimmers in the world to our shores to race!
Grant is a very ‘hands-on’ director. He is passionate about every participant staying safe, achieving their goal and enjoying their experience as much as possible!